Monday 9 December 2013

Sharepoint  urls

Here's the URL: http://<your site collection URL>/_catalogs/users/simple.aspx

list of webparts

User groups 

 Sitemanager page to manage pagelayouts

Delete current web 

save current site as template

to show site contents

to see webparts and contents in side a pge


to edit the page using url


settings page


user profiles list(should be admin)


Get the version of the SharePoint server (Patch level): thanks to John

Application page for registering SharePoint apps

Save Site as a template

Sign in as a different user

Enable SharePoint designer

Welcome Page (Default page settings)

Change Site Master Page

Page Layouts and Site Templates

Master Pages library

User Information List

Quick Deploy List
Open Page in Edit Mode

Taxonomy Hidden List (MMS)

User Information List:

Force displaying the user profile in the site

Web Part Maintenance Page 

Show Page in Dialog View

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